Anderson is 11 months today and is still the happiest, grinningest thing in the whole wide world. It's really been such a fun time to see his personality emerge and watch him play more with Maizie and interact more with us. I would say this month, he has proven his climbing ability. We have to rearrange our house every day to keep him safe. We put a baby gate on the stairs, but he would still climb on the 1/2 inch of stair left and scale the gate like a monkey. If I want him to get all his energy out, I just open the gate and let him scale the stairs while we follow behind. He's incredibly quick on the way up and would be incredibly quick on the way down if we weren't right there. This week, he learned to crawl into Maizie's rocking chair and when I put that away he went over and climbed into our full-size rocking chair. Should we take all the furniture out of our house or just cover everything with pillows and padding?
His sounds that actually connect to some meaning now include MA-MA! Yea! So, I think we have to officially declare Dadda as his first word (just like Maizie) then Whazzat?, then Daw (for Dog) and then Mama. I see where I rank. Anderson loves to meet new people, he loves anything with wheels, he LOVES music (as soon as he hears music, he stops what he's doing and bounces up and down) , and playing peekaboo. See video below if you're having a rough day.
Whazzat? His indoor jungle gym. Such a depressed child. "You can't see me!"
So for weeks we've been hearing a little voice in the back seat saying, "I just need to see that Pancy Pants and Manda." This weekend we listened and headed to San Antonio for some Halloween fun. If you know Grant and Amanda, you know they don't do anything half-way. That holds true when it comes to Halloween. Grant constructed this GIANT alien space ship over the span of 2 weeks with lots of plastic tarp, duct tape and box fans. Such a MacGuyver. Maizie was a little overwhelmed at first, but by the end of the night, she was telling 12-year-olds, "It's just not scary in there." The kids would come in the front, get a glow-in-the-dark bracelet from Alien Grant and crawl out a tunnel in the back filled with strobe lights.
Maizie was a butterfly and Anderson was Sherlock Holmes. I didn't get that many great still shots because 11 month olds and 3 year olds, in general, aren't still. These will have to do. Maizie definitely got the trick-or-treating concept this year (Say trick-or-treat = free candy). She probably could've gone all night if we let her. It was tons of fun to catch up with the Maloneys and see them doing so well in the Alamo City. I tried to spread dirty lies about them so they'd move back, but no one believed us. Oh well.